July 28, 2016

Where can I find these!

"I would love to try the cinnamon spiced granola. Where can i purchase it?" Soon to be available...

What should a 75 year old woman with several medical issues take?

"My mom is 75 years old with diabetes, glaucoma, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and...

Depressed parakeet

"Sadly, one of my two parakeets recently passed away after being a loving companion for the last...

What is the best treatment protocol for a thyroid nodule?

When a new nodule is noticed on the thyroid, it is best to first have it evaluated by a physician before...

Would you please recommend something for my longhair, senior dachshund

"He suffers from severe anxiety with wheezing, chronic itchy rash and hind leg dysplasia" Poor...
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