October 2016

What will happen to proposition 215 if proposition 64 passes the ballot?

"I’m confused, does proposition 64 replace 215? Or will both propositions exist together?...

Marijuana Relieves Symptoms of Menopause

Every woman will experience menopause at some point in their life, but similarly to PMS, every woman...

The 5 Most Popular Strains of Cannabis

Cannabis strains become incredibly popular if they have specific qualities that make them unique from...

Will the existing market in California - growers, dispensaries, brands be able to stay in business?

"Prop 64 has a lot of things within it that could potentially lead to the dissolution of the current...

If Prop 64 passes will investors be more likely to invest in cannabis?

Absolutely. Prop 64 is a step in the right direction in two ways related to investment opportunity. 1)...

Do you endorse a YES or a NO vote?

NO on prop 64. Prop 64 is not about legalization! Its about commercialization. If California wanted to...

Colorado's experience in regulating MJ pesticides is that "Big Pot" was the single biggest obstacle

"in creating any guidelines for MJ pesticide use: https://dpo.st/2fnRGv2. How does prop. 64 empower...

What is the limit of THC you can have in your system before you are driving under the influence (DUI)?

"Prop. 64 defines driving impaired by marijuana to be a blood-THC level of 0.5 mg/ml. But blood-THC...

Will I still be able to buy edibles like gummy rings from my local dispensary?

The actual products that will be allowed is still yet to be determined. Edible products will need to...

When will consumers be able to buy cannabis without a doctors recommendation?

"Assuming that Prop 64 passes." It might be a while. Go see a doctor in person or online....

Does Prop 64 destroy the medical system in place under Prop 215?

"If not, what are the expected impacts on 215 patients, caregivers and doctors?" From what...

I'm looking for a strain that is similar to blue dream, which i love!

Blue Dream is definitely a favorite of our customers as well. Blue Dream is interesting because it’s...
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