December 28, 2016

Any plans for a portable vapeXhale?

Absolutely, we are making a complimentary product to the Vapexhale EVO. If the EVO is your iMac, then...

Where can I buy a vapeXhale?

"Do you sell direct?" Go to and you may be able to pick up on some 2016, holiday...

Why do people vape marijuana instead of smoke it?

"Seems easier and less expensive to just roll your own. What am I missing?" Actually,

What kind of oil is used in the Evoxe vape pens?

We use a combination of different oils in our products to create different effects. Our primary cannabis...

How do you obtain a medical marijuana card in Michigan?

I googled this information and on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program it shows step by step what you...

I'm new to using cannabis. What should I look for when choosing a vape pen?

"I’m confused, there are so many on the market! " Great question! The first thing you...
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