February 27, 2017

I have a severed spinal cord at T5 and have A

where can i get medical marijuana in pill form for Pennsylvania

Hi there! Unfortunately we currently do not ship medical marijuana products to Pennsylvania at this time. However,...

How do I confirm my email address to create my account?

After registering on HelloMD, you should receive an email to the address you used to create the account...

The Top 10 Marijuana-Inspired Instagram Accounts

Lying at the epicenter of art and technology, Instagram keeps millennials, baby boomers, and everybody...

Dr. Olson suggested 25:1 or 30:1 CBD oil for my condition. Where can I obtain such high-CBD ratio oils/drops?

We will want to double check on that. Please message us at our customer service chat using the chat bubble...

How to Tell Your Parents You Use Marijuana

"Mom, Dad, I’m Not a Stoner…Really." Have you thought about discussing your cannabis...

How can I get a California State ID while maintaining my driver's license from another state?

"I moved from Colorado to California, and maintain both Medical Marijuana Cards. (thanks for the...

Moldy Marijuana: It Can Hurt You

Is Your Marijuana Moldy? Mold and contaminants in marijuana are something that every consumer should...

Cannabis Brings People Together

More often than not we are bombarded with a daily barrage of news stories which paint a fairly bleak...

I need help with using this

Please come to our customer service chat by clicking on the bubble in the bottom right corner of this...

Keep Your Medicine Legal & Prevent a Crackdown on REC

A Looming Crackdown on REC? The Associate Press reported on comments by White House Press Secretary Sean...
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