March 30, 2017

Fun Activities to Try When Smoking Marijuana

10 Fun Activities to Try When Smoking Marijuana

Higher amounts of THC put the modern cannabist at greater risk of falling into a state of marijuana-induced...

Does this product have CBD in it? If so, what is the percentage?

All flower has some CBD in it, but most strains have been cultivated for high THC count, so most strains...

Do you have any plans for new products?

"I love your vape pens!" Thank you! So happy you are enjoying your experiences with Alchemy!...

Where is the article by Haydar from Vaponaut?

The article was published on on 1/22/2017, so you should be able to search our web site to...

What type of marijuana oil or tincture can you recommend for chronic migraines?

"And are their any contraindications with CBD’s and antidepressants( celexa)" I suffer...
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