August 3, 2017

What would be the recommended ratio of CBD to THC in a marijuana tincture to alleviate chronic pain?

"Should I use a CBD:THC tincture of 20:1, 3:1 or 1:1? Thank you!" I have had alot of members...

I've. Signed up and paid now what

I would like a call back.. you charged my credit I already.

You sit in a queue to do a video conference with a doctor. They do not call you on the phone. If you...

How do you get a medical marijuana card in West Virginia?

According to this link, your state will not be issuing medical marijuana cards until 2019. cla1982

rheumatoid arthritis

CBD, when used topically can be very useful in treating Arthritis. Check out some medical studies and...

I'm ready for my appointment how do I speak to a Dr

Is there a reputable website that lists current and open dispensaries by area?

Please checkout our website under Biz Listing If you need to find a dispensary or delivery service, please...

New letter

Can my child safely use a high-CBD low-TCH oil?

"He is 8 years old and has colitis. I’d like to try using a high-CBD low-THC marijuana oil...



Can I use a California dispensary with my medical marijuana card from a different state?

To enter a CA dispensary you do need a recommendation from a CA doctor. I do not believe you will be...
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