October 3, 2017

Is there any credible evidence that cannabis can stop or slow Alzheimer's?

"Is there any credible evidence that Cannabis can help or even stop the "progress" of...

3 Popular Questions About Marijuana and Migraines Answered

The healing compounds found in cannabis play a major role in helping people manage all types of pain,...

How to Talk to Your General Practitioner about Cannabis

If you’re just starting out with medical cannabis, you might be wondering about how to talk to your doctor...

When I try to apply for new card it states something is pending and I can’t get a registration card?

best strain for insomnia

I would suggest any strain that is an Indica strain as those tend to be the best for insomnia. They provide...

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Top Ten Health Benefits of Laughter

One of the most well known side effects of using cannabis is experiencing bouts of endless giggles. While...

When will I be able to go into a California dispensary without a recommendation?

" " Hi! Unfortunately, there is no set date. The state government intended to use 2017 to...

I have cannabis coconut oil cream and am wondering if it could get me high?

"I have a scab and I’m concerned the cream might penetrate it and get me high." not...
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