January 11, 2018

Wellbutrin and Weed?

"Hello! I was curious – I’m planning on going on 150 mg of Wellbutrin medication here soon...

How Cannabis and CBD Are Beneficial for Muscle Spasms or Soreness

People experience muscle spasms or sore muscles for a variety of reasons—from having conditions like...

how do i obtain a maryland crd

Even though legal medical marijuana is available in Florida, it is not yet being sold. My pain manage,ENT


Cannabis a Viable Solution to Curbing the Opioid Epidemic

The opioid epidemic has reached epic proportions—in 2016 it decreased overall life expectancy in the...

What's going on with sales tax and medical marijuana patients?

" " Hi there! The current taxes for cannabis are a 15% excise tax as well as sales tax. Every...
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