August 23, 2018

How many mg’s Of CBD are contained within this product?

According to Basic Jane, the Relieve cream was specifically formulated to target pain.  It contains 0.6%...

Can it reduce anxiety without making me sleepy or forgetful? Will I appear high?

Hi there! Everybody responds differently to THC; so, what’s best for someone else, most likely...

I'm looking for a CBD/THC tincture that will help me with anxiety and sleep as well as back pain

Hi there! Cannabis tinctures/oils with higher concentrations of CBD vs THC, such as 20CBD:1THC, will...

Cannabis Interaction with Amitriptyline and Propranolol

“Does Cannabis have interactions with medications Amitriptyline and Propranolol? If so what are...

What is Delta 8?

Delta 8 tetrahydrocannabinol is otherwise known as THC, the more common & "stronger" of...
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