

Know Your Cannabis Terpenes: Camphene

If you’ve been reading up on cannabis, you’ve probably found a lot of information out there about the...

Know Your Cannabis Terpenes: Geraniol

There’s a lot of information out there about the major cannabinoids in cannabis like tetrahydrocannabinol...

Can the Terpene Beta-Caryophyllene Boost CBD’s Effects?

Have you tried taking cannabidiol (CBD) for a condition, but didn’t get the results you were looking...

Terpene & Cannabinoid Combos That Boost Cannabis’s Effects

With hundreds of known chemical compounds, the cannabis plant has a lot of medicinal potential. But these...

Know Your Cannabis Terpenes: Myrcene

Marijuana consumers often say that eating a fresh mango before taking cannabis leads to a more potent...

How Cannabinoids and Terpenes Work Better Together

In its natural state, the marijuana plant contains over 480 known natural chemicals. Some of those are...

3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Terpenes Answered

If you’re up on your cannabis science, you probably already know about cannabinoids: powerful marijuana...

Know Your Terpenes: Pinene

Love the sweet, earthy smell of pine needles on a Christmas tree? Or the flavor boost spices like oregano...

4 Iced Tea & Cannabis Pairings to Savor Summer Weather

Whether it’s ancient tearooms in China or the front porch of a home in the American South, tea is a welcomed...

Do food allergies correspond to marijuana allergies?

"If I am allergic to blueberries, will I experience an allergic reaction to a cannabis product that...

Follow Your Nose: Using Scent to Guide Your Cannabis Choices

Much ado is made over the bouquet of a special wine or the sweet caramel notes of a freshly brewed cup...

Know Your Terpenes: Humulene

Every beer lover knows the power of humulene, though they may never have heard of it. This common terpene...
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