10 Fun Activities to Try When Smoking Marijuana

Higher amounts of THC put the modern cannabist at greater risk of falling into a state of marijuana-induced couch-lock. Some of my favorite experiences have happened after smoking marijuana, and I know that can be the case for you too. If the compulsion to go full-on couch potato is too real for you, check out one of the following fun activities to do before or after consuming your favorite type of cannabis.

1. Paint Alongside Bob Ross

Get out your paints and lay down some happy trees with Bob Ross. Please, donโ€™t dis it until you try it. Actually, painting along with the late, legendary Bob Ross is a like a meditation in and of itself. Reminding you that โ€œanyone can paint, all you need is a dream in your heart and a little bit of practice.” R.I.P. Bob Ross.


2. Cook Delicious Food

Iโ€™m not sure who can say no to good eats after consuming cannabis. When the cravings for food hit, donโ€™t just reach for the nacho cheese Doritos or hit the speed dial (I know itโ€™s the pizza guyโ€”your secret is safe with me). Instead, whip up a tasty stir-fry, or, if youโ€™re more the Gordon Ramsey type, a savory gnocchi with peas and Parmesan to stave off the munchies.

3. Virtual Reality With Cardboard

Virtual Reality, the latest evolution of visual media, is an awe-inspiring technology. Whether youโ€™ve already experienced VR in some form or are completely new to the tech, itโ€™s undeniably entertaining. The headsets are getting cheaper and cheaper, while cellphone setups like Googleโ€™s Cardboard are just $15. I can think of no better way to peek into the future, than with your favorite strain.

4. Listen to Other Peopleโ€™s Voicemail

Iโ€™m not suggesting you do this in a creepy way. A truck driver leaves a voicemail on a coworkerโ€™s phone when he sees an accident involving four old ladies, an angry driver and an umbrella. I really donโ€™t want to give too much away on this one. Try not to laugh out loud, I dare you.

5. Visit Your Local Planetarium or Observatory

If youโ€™re more of Carl Saganโ€™s sort of cannasseur, then check out your local science museums and colleges for observatory hours or planetarium expositions. Learning about the vast expanses of space is one thing, but taking a look at it first hand is a humbling experience. Throw cannabis into the mix and allow your mind to expand right alongside the universe. In an increasingly mad and dangerous world, Iโ€™m sure Carl Sagan would approve.

6. Play With a Pet

What could be better than spending time with an adorable animal that loves you with an unconditional fever? Connecting with your best friendโ€”be it cat, dog, squirrel or otherโ€”while consuming cannabis is a great way to pass the time and engage with your fur baby in a meaningful way. Cannabis is already known for increasing feelings of empathy and connection. Combine this with a loving mass of furry wiggles, and youโ€™re sure to have a great time.

7. Check Out Some Amazing Live Music

Hit up your local venues or plan to go to a concert ahead of time. Cannabis affects the way we hear and perceive music in numerous ways. It can help you hear the beauty of each melody and allow you to grasp a more intense feeling of the arrangement as a whole. Rock out to your favorite artist or find a new local band that really gets you moving. Even better, check out a totally fresh genre while consuming your cannabis and connect to new music in a novel way.

8. Try a New Activity

Iโ€™m not suggesting you take on motocross, but if youโ€™ve been afraid of shooting a basketball or never could get around to Zorbing, cannabis could actually increase your coordination (not for everyone though). Some strains do affect your coordination adversely, so itโ€™s important to pick the right one. A smooth sativa, like Jack Herer, will give you a motivational boost to get out there and try something new, without being too hard on yourself or self-conscious about trying a brand new activity.

9. Get a Thai Massage

Relieve stress on all fronts by using cannabis in combination with a relaxing Thai massage, where they do the stretching for you. It’s kind of like the lazy person’s yoga. Cannabis has already been shown to relieve muscle tension and reduce inflammation. Add this to an hour with a trained massage therapist and watch as all of your troubles and worries melt away into oblivion. This should almost be mandatory for any serious cannasseur. I know you have time Thursday afternoons; just schedule it in. Thank me later.

10. Get Yourself Some Live Comedy

Check out your local venues for any comedy shows in the area. Itโ€™s hard to beat seeing your favorite act paired with your favorite strain. You can get a lot of mileage out of Netflix specials, though nothing compares to the raw laughs of a live show. Fun almost no matter the occasion.

If you’re new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s 100% online, private and efficient.


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