The Qualifying Medical Conditions for a Medical Marijuana Card in Ohio

In Ohio, cannabis is legal for medical use only. The state legalized medical marijuana in 2016, and in January 2019, the first dispensary sales began. Now there are 58 medical dispensaries located all around Ohio that sell various cannabis products like flower, oils, tinctures, and edi-bles.

Medical Marijuana in Ohio

Purchasing medical marijuana requires a license that shows you meet the qualifying conditions. You must visit a certified doctor to register for your medical marijuana card in Ohio. You can see a licensed practitioner online via Telehealth with HelloMD for $179. Seeing a practitioner online is fast, easy, and discreet.

There’s an extensive list of qualifying medical conditions in Ohio. Below is the complete list:

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana in Ohio

The current list of qualifying conditions in Ohio is:

  • AIDS/HIV positive
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Arthritis
  • Cachexia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
  • Chronic migraines
  • Complex region pain syndrome
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Epilepsy or another seizure disorder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Glaucoma
  • Hepatitis C
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pain that is either chronic and severe or intractable
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Spasticity
  • Spinal cord disease or injury
  • Terminal illness
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Ulcerative colitis

In 2021 arthritis, chronic migraines, and complex region pain syndrome were added to this list.

New conditions and diseases may be added to the list every year Medical Conditions Covered by Existing Qualifying Conditions in the OMMCP Position Statement_4_29_21.pdf) during the annual petition period. Petitions are filed online and reviewed for approval.

How to Find a Medical Marijuana Practitioner

It’s easy to find a medical cannabis doctor with HelloMD. Once you register, you can consult a licensed practitioner and register for your medical marijuana card online. Since March 2020, Telehealth consultations for medical cards have been allowed in Ohio. If you prefer an in-person appointment, you can select a practitioner in your area from Ohio’s list of certified doctors.

Your Medical Marijuana Consultation

Meeting with a medical cannabis doctor is not much different from any other doctor appointment. You will talk to your practitioner about the physical and mental health conditions and why you seek medical marijuana for relief. Your doctor may have questions regarding your medical history and the symptoms you are experiencing. They may also ask about your mental health and if you have a history of mental disorders. At the end of the consultation, your doctor may recommend medical marijuana for you. If you use the HelloMD service, you only pay if you’re approved.

Registering for a Medical Marijuana Card

If your doctor confirms you meet the qualifications for a medical marijuana card, they will create an online profile for you in the state’s Patient Regis-try. Once you complete the online application, you can purchase weed at a legal dispensary within the state of Ohio.

Caregivers can also register for medical marijuana cards in Ohio if referred to a doctor by the patient in care.

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Ohio

Ohio has medical dispensaries located throughout the state of Ohio Medical Mari-juana Dispensaries with Certificates of Operation.pdf), and you can even search for one by map. Dispensaries may vary in their overall atmosphere, professionalism, and the products they carry. When choosing a dispensary, look out for clean environments, friendly, knowledgeable staff, and a variety of high-quality prod-ucts. And if you want to find the most affordable options, some dispensaries offer discounts for veterans, seniors, and regular customers.

Choosing Medical Marijuana to Treat Your Condition

You can ask the staff at the dispensary to recommend prod-ucts that will help with your symptoms. You may be seeking THC products to treat pain and nausea or CBD to treat inflammation or anxie-ty. When you’re clear on what symptoms you need to treat, it’s easier to find something that works for you.

Beginners may want to start with something easy like a tinc-ture. Many patients prefer to vape for immediate relief and convenience fac-tor.

Edibles are a favorite for patients who need longer-lasting relief from pain or insomnia. The point is that you can mix, match, and combine strains and products to treat various ailments and get what you need.

Get Your Medical Document & Purchase Medical Cannabis

It’s easy to get your medical document with the online Telehealth service HelloMD. Register, pay, and receive an online medical consultation with a licensed partitioner and purchase medical cannabis today. You only pay if you’re approved.


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