Medical Cannabis

What strains and delivery system is best for prevention of migraines?

"I have chronic migraines and have just moved to a state that allows medical marijuana but not sure...

I did not receive medical card

My medical card expired in October 2017. Can I get deliveries now that the recreational law has passed?

Hi there! Yes, however you’ll have to check to make sure that the dispensary or delivery service...

Can I use an out of state ID?

"I moved from Virginia to California over the summer but I do not have a California license yet....

How can I use my HelloMD medical card to get a CA state medical card?

Not sure if you’ve already been here, but this website has some info under "I am a qualified...

Can medical card from California cover Nevada?

Hello there. Medical cards are only valid in the state where they’re issued. Let us know if you...

I need to renew my medical recommendation letter - what’s the fastest way?

Renew Medical Rec?

"Should I renew my medical rec? Starting in 2018, I can walk into a dispensary and purchase what...

Does anyone know if having a medical card could affect your life insurance and them honoring claims?

Obtaining a medical recommendation from our doctors is completely confidential and your patient/doctor...

Are the medical authorizations valid in every state? Washington State specific.

No. The recommendation that is issued in California is only valid for California. The recommendations...

What are the differences between 2017 and 2018 mmj cards, i.e. medical requirements, doctors etc.

There is no difference at all between the cannabis recommendation that is issued by HelloMD between 2017...

Can my HelloMD doctor fill out the medical paperwork for a County/State MMIC?

Hi there! Please have the County you are applying with fax the documents to us at: (415) 329-1407. melissa
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