I want to get my New York medical marijuana card but don't want to get high. What are my options?

No, you do not have to get high. The goal is to use the cannabis to treat your symptoms without getting you high. If you experiencing psychoactive effects of the treatment, then we will want to adjust the dose so that you experience symptom relief without the feeling of being high.


The short answer is: no, you don’t have to get high. When you discuss your condition and symptoms with your practitioner, they will make a recommendation for a medical marijuana product that is best suited to your needs. The ratio of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to cannabidiol (CBD) in the product will determine whether it has psychoactive properties. If you’d prefer not to get high, tell your practitioner so they can incorporate this into their recommendation.


The short answer is: no, you don’t have to get high. When you discuss your condition and symptoms with your practitioner, they will make a recommendation for a medical marijuana product that is best suited to your needs. The ratio of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to cannabidiol (CBD) in the product will determine whether it has psychoactive properties. If you’d prefer not to get high, tell your practitioner so they can incorporate this into their recommendation.


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