
Can my friend in michigan state obtain a card?

Are the medical authorizations valid in every state? Washington State specific.

No. The recommendation that is issued in California is only valid for California. The recommendations...

what if i cant afford the Recommendation, this yr. Is there any help available, im on social security

How to acquire any of these products?

How can I acquire this product?

HelloMD @ hellomd.com is a good place to start. Request to speak with a provider for a consult to begin...

What are the differences between 2017 and 2018 mmj cards, i.e. medical requirements, doctors etc.

There is no difference at all between the cannabis recommendation that is issued by HelloMD between 2017...

Which topical product would you recommend for muscle/joint aches associated with Crohn's?

Hi there! I am not a doctor, but we do have some great content on our website re: this. "While edibles...

Can my HelloMD doctor fill out the medical paperwork for a County/State MMIC?

Hi there! Please have the County you are applying with fax the documents to us at: (415) 329-1407. melissa

I am in Georgia are there any products allowed for people who live in my State with health issues?

Hello. Looks like Georgia’s medical cannabis laws are pretty strict. You only qualify if you have...


When I signed up and received a recommendation I was told you would mail me a card.

Can I renew my Rx a month early? It expires about 1/15.

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