The 5 Best Medical Marijuana Products for Anxiety in Illinois

We live in an era where anxiety is commonplace. It’s no longer stigmatized to struggle with mental health. But many of the medications that society has normalized have anything but “normal” side effects. From drowsiness to fatigue to slowing mental functionality anxiety meds aren’t always the safest option.

It’s worth considering a healthier alternative – like cannabis – to help with anxiety.

How Can Cannabis Cure Anxiety?

The National Institute on Drug Addiction posted a study that found “CBD reduced anxiety in patients with social anxiety subjected to a stressful public speaking task.”

This comes as no surprise since Cannabidiol (CBD) is a potent anxiolytic and is very effective in reducing anxiety and the frequency of panic attacks. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can also reduce anxiety at low doses.

There is a clear link between CBD and reduced anxiety. Oftentimes, if you walk into a dispensary and ask for products to treat your anxiety they will almost always recommend some form of CBD.

Keep in mind, high doses of THC can actually increase anxiety levels, it’s best to start slow with a product that contains much more CBD than THC.

The Best Marijuana Products for Anxiety in Illinois

It’s not always easy to pick the perfect product for your anxiety. You should always consult medical practitioners, dispensary pharmacists, or budtenders for advice and recommendations for weed products that best fit your body’s needs.

Some people prefer fast-acting tinctures, while others enjoy long-lasting edibles. The best ways to find out are through research, gathered insight, and experimentation with low doses.

Let’s walk through some options – in various consumption methods – of marijuana products for anxiety in Illinois.

Chill Tins

1906’s Chill Tins are drops for relaxation and solace. They feature a unique blend of high-CBD cannabis and plant medicine to promote relaxation. Each Chill Drop contains 5mg THC and 25mg CBD. Purchase them for $35.

CANN Blood Orange Cardamom

CANN’s Blood Orange Cardamom infused social tonic is microdosed with THC & CBD, perfectly crafted to give you a light, refreshing buzz within 10-15 minutes. This product is perfect for those suffering from social anxiety searching for a chance to relax while still enjoying a night out. Crafted in California, the beverage marries blood orange juice from Sicily to the aromatic magic of cardamom, creating a cacophony of citrusy and spicy flavors. Stop in to Verilife and pick up a six pack for $25.

Tonic Frost

Tonic Frost popsicles are a sweet treat with just the right amount of THC and CBD for balanced anxiety relief and relaxation. The edibles contain 75mg CBD and 25mg THC per popsicle. You can buy these weed treats for $35.

2:1 Limonene

Limonene flower offers a high-CBD option for those who enjoy consuming marijuana the old-fashioned way – in a joint, pipe, bong, or blunt. The effects of this strain are euphoric and anti-anxiety inducing. You can find the flower for $60 per 3.5 grams.

Keep high-CBD marijuana products in mind the next time you feel anxiety setting in. Or plan ahead and stock up. Many cannabis consumers find that weed offers preventative capabilities too.

It’s an exciting time where cannabis is becoming a legitimate medicine in the eyes of the public. If you haven’t yet, give it a try. The results may be surprisingly positive.

Get Your Medical Document & Purchase Medical Cannabis

It’s easy to get your medical document with the online Telehealth service HelloMD. Register, pay, and receive an online medical consultation with a licensed practitioner and start purchasing medical cannabis today.

Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash


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