
What is the difference between vaping and smoking?

Vaporizing is a common technique for consuming marijuana, while at the same time negating many irritating...

Can I smoke medical marijuana in my CA apartment?

It depends if your landlord/owner allows it. Cannabis smoke is treated the same as cigarette smoke, which...

What pain options can I have for a herniated disc other than smoking marijuana? I don't want to smoke.

"I have chronic back pain and want another option for managing pain. I do not want to feel high...

I have never used a vaporizer before. What can you tell me about it?

"Is it similar to smoking a cigarette?" Not really. Smoking a cigarette would be more akin...

Vaping vs smoking, which is better?

"Health wise or otherwise, which is better? I am looking for a solution for pain management after...

Cannabis as a Replacement for Clonazepam

“I take medication for seizures and anxiety one in particular has my husband concerned. It is Clonazepam...

Can I ingest hemp oil in some way that is efficient vs. smoking? (Lung Cancer)

Tinctures are a very effective administration route that avoids inhalation. Absorption begins in the...

How quickly do these infused products take effect?

"Is it like smoking, or more like an edible?" When you smoke or vaporize marijuana you will...

I heard that most cancer patients die of malnutrition. Is this true?

"Is it better to take a drug like Marinol, or is smoking bud just as good?" Firstly not all...

Discharged by PCP for POSSESSING a Medicinal Cannabis ID Card

"I went to my required 3 month "follow-up" appt with the Nurse Practitioner at my PCP’s...

My sister has Tourette's. Is any evidence that smoking pot can help reduce the symptoms of this?

"I am wondering if I should help her get a medical card as she struggles with social interactions....

Is there a specific strain of marijuana that will not make me paranoid?

I am not a doctor, but I have struggled with this same problem and have found a solution for myself that...
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