
Can I ingest hemp oil in some way that is efficient vs. smoking? (Lung Cancer)

Tinctures are a very effective administration route that avoids inhalation. Absorption begins in the...

How quickly do these infused products take effect?

"Is it like smoking, or more like an edible?" When you smoke or vaporize marijuana you will...

I heard that most cancer patients die of malnutrition. Is this true?

"Is it better to take a drug like Marinol, or is smoking bud just as good?" Firstly not all...

Discharged by PCP for POSSESSING a Medicinal Cannabis ID Card

"I went to my required 3 month "follow-up" appt with the Nurse Practitioner at my PCP’s...

My sister has Tourette's. Is any evidence that smoking pot can help reduce the symptoms of this?

"I am wondering if I should help her get a medical card as she struggles with social interactions....

Is there a specific strain of marijuana that will not make me paranoid?

I am not a doctor, but I have struggled with this same problem and have found a solution for myself that...

How do I prepare cannabis for consumption?

"I am a medical marijuana user and I use it for my insomnia. I currently smoke it but I really hate...

Is the medical marijuana the same as what I smoked as a teenager in the 80s?

"I wanted to know if weed today is stronger, addresses specific needs, has different effects, etc…" For...

Vapexhale: The Leading Desktop Cannabis Vaporizer

Vapexhale, the leading desktop vaporizer on the market today, is the brainchild of Seibo Shen. I first...

Consuming Marijuana Every Day: The Pros & Cons

Many people consume marijuana every day and feel that it improves their health. Others are concerned...

Marijuana & Your Lungs: Should You Be Worried?

It’s a well-known fact that smoke is bad for the lungs. From lung cancer to upper respiratory disease,...

Marijuana Edibles vs. Flowers

Should somebody eat or smoke their medical cannabis? It’s a good question, as patients today have...
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