

New Research Shows Cannabis Inhibits Growth of Cancerous Tumors

A new study from St. George’s University of London, recently published in the International Journal of...

What's a good daily dose of thc/cbd for leukemia?

Cannabis is a very safe herb that has been shown to be helpful in treating many forms of cancer, including...

Are you aware of any medical doctors in Toronto, Canada using cannabis for cancer treatment?

Personally, I do not know of any doctors in Canada but I do have a copy of 2/2013,Canada’s "Information...

Does CBD oil help rid the body of cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society: "More recently, scientists reported that THC and other...

Can eating cannabis edibles cause cancer?

There is currently no evidence that shows that eating cannabis edibles can cause cancer. On the contrary,...

Can smoking cannabis cause cancer?

"Can smoking cannabis cause cancer " Unlike tobacco, there have been no definitive studies...

Does cannabis cure thyroid cancer?

No. Cannabis does not cure cancer but cannabis can combine with cancer treatment to potentially slow...

Can cannabis help treat uterine cancer?

"What’s the current consensus? Any studies on the matter?" Cannabis can help treat cancer....

Does cannabis heal skin cancer?

"If so, what protocol of products and dosing can you advise?" Cannabis has been shown to be...

Can you recommend the best cannabis oil to treat secondary estrogen positive breast cancer?

This certainly seems like a very scary question that you’re asking. Are you really asking for a...

Should I stop using cannabis oil if it's making my pain worse?

"I have breast cancer and have pain in my leg as a result. Whenever I use cannabis oil, my leg seems...

Is there a risk of clotting deficiency with HLT brownies?

"I renewed my card with you online (not sure of the date) and went to Harborside to purchase HLT...
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