Question and Answer

We get questions from consumers every day, and we make it our mission to provide comprehensive answers in our primer library. (Do you have a question we haven’t answered yet? Book a free education consult with one of our experts to get the information you need.)

I keep trying to complete my registration to talk to an MD to see if I can get a perscription but I never get the e-mail to activate my account. I have also checked my spam folder.

"Is there something wrong with your system?" I am sorry you are having trouble. There is chat...

Does cannabis nullify the positive effects of Cymbalta?

"My new doctor told me that my use of cannabis for pain from fbromyalgia would cancel out the effects...

Hi, is it okay to medicate with THC while on Cialis?

"…" Hi there! It is true that THC (and CBD) can impede the metabolism of many drugs,...

Product recommendation

"I’m in my 60s and have very thin skin. I bruise and get purple marks very easily. I do...

this is a test


This is a test


my calm vape doesn’t vibrate reservoir side, but that is where I take the hits from. Am I using it wrong? I don’t get smoke if I try to take a hit from the opposite side, but it will vibrate there. What am I doing wrong?

"why is this field required to post?"

How do I reapply for my medical marijuana card?

"I am not sure when my expiration date is. Please help."

Can I get a new copy of my letter with the gold seal

"@" Hi there, If your recommendation was lost or stolen, please reach out to our customer...

Will CBD oil interfere with my treatment of Herceptin and Perjeta?

"@cindymilkey " From what I can tell, cannabis affects only the cytochrome enzyme system,...

Stage 4 lung cancer

"My sister was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. What cannabis protocol would you recommend?...

how do i get medical marijuana card?

"how do i get medical marijuana card?"
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