Basic Jane


How CBD Can Curb Chronic Inflammation

Scientists, doctors and entrepreneurs are touting cannabidiol (CBD) as marijuana’s next big thing. One...

Gift Guide: 7 Products for Those New to Hemp CBD

Struggling to find the perfect gift for a few folks in your life? Well, lucky for you, cannabidiol—better...

5 CBD Products to Help You Fight the Cold or Flu

Cold and flu season is here. And while we all chug gallons of Emergen-C and echinacea tea in hopes that...

4 Hemp-Derived CBD Products to Ease Pain

It’s hard to imagine just how much physical pain Americans experience. More than 100 million adults in...

5 Hemp CBD Products for Your Aches & Pains

Aches and pains can affect just about everyone, and when they do, it’s tempting to reach for an over-the-counter...

Basic Jane: Hemp CBD Remedies for Your Aches & Pains

Basic Jane is the first consumer-focused line of products from research company Verda Bio, which was...
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