
What is the current cost to renew my medical marijuana card?

Hi there! Please view this previously answered question on the subject: ashleigh how do I get a medical...

Is cannabis good for anxiety and depression ?

" " Yes, it can be. Check out our recent article, which gives holistic tips on easing depression...

Is there any CBD or cannabis strains that can help with GERD?

Hi there! Please check out these previously answered questions on the matter, hope it helps!: ashleigh

Is there a CA state issued medical cannabis card that exempts you from the new taxes?

"I just went to a dispensary in Santa Cruz and was charged 32% tax. The people there said the tax...

Are there expiration dates for cannabis tonics?

Hi there! While I haven’t had a chance to experience this myself (I pretty much use all of every...

Which type of Cannabis and what formulation are good for moderate to severe neuropathic pain?

"Sciatic nerve (specifically, L5 and S1 nerves) is damaged due to cancer treatment (cryoablation)...

Can I get medical cannabis for ADHD?

" " Hello, The fact that I have discovered here is that Cannabidiol aka CBD is most beneficial...

Any research that Cannabis can help with hot flashes?

Hi there! I couldn’t find any research or studies about cannabis helping with hot flashes, but...

What is the best cannabis treatment for bone cancer?

Hi there! I’m sorry to hear about this diagnosis. Although there is no evidence that cannabis can...

With recreational marijuana now legal in California, why should I pay to renew my Medical recommendation?

"Are there advantages to continuing to have a medical recommendation in CA ?" This is a great...

What is the best type of cannabis to increase appetite?

"Young man with a brain tumor pressing on his pituitary gland, has no appetite, losing weight rapidly." Below...

Will cannabis help relieve essential tremor ?

Hi there! This questions has come up many times before in our community. Please check out this in-depth...
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