
Hi There,

"Ive been looking online for a store in Oregon which has a high THC content. One that I found with...

Has CBD been known to restrict urine flow when taking via suppository for prostate cancer?

Not to my knowledge. I have spoken with many people about cannabis and how it helps with the urinary...

How long does the effect last?

"If I use the Foria Explore, how often do I need to put in a suppository to get lower back pain...

Foria Explore: for Anal Sex

Foria is a marijuana company that is constantly pushing the boundaries and its new product is entering...

I like to know what other products you suggest for Crohn's and if cannabis suppositories are a good option?

Medical cannabis infused rectal suppositories contain both THC and CBD and, in principle, the rectal...

Rectal Cannabis Suppositories: Never Say Never

The cannabis market today is a wonderland of different goodies. Nowadays there are so many ways to consume...
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