Chronic Pain

What type of tincture would be best for chronic nerve pain

"Pain arose denovo – no trauma . Neurologists have done nerve conduction and determined a...

Four Silent Side Effects of Chronic Pain

DiDi Davis is Founder of Sweet ReLeaf, a topical cannabis manufacturer located in California. Sweet ReLeaf...

Best CBD for chronic pain

Chronic pain has many causes, so the most effective treatment with cannabis can vary. If your pain is...

As a medical patient what are the best strains for treating chronic pain?

"I am also curious about the benefits of buying flower that is considered organic. Should this matter...

Help, I have not found any effect or relief

"I suffer from insomnia, chronic pain and migraines. I have a Elite G Vaporizer (and have tried...

What are the best marijuana strains for chronic pain?

As a general rule, cannabis strains with high amounts of both THC and CBD tend to make the best pain...

The Best Cannabis Strains for Chronic Pain

When deciding what strain is best for your pain, it’s important to consider what time of day you’re...

Does Green Health Consultants do online consultations? I am interested in whether cannabis is right for me.

"I have had chronic pain for years and the doctors I see only seem to offer pharmaceuticals. I read...

How do I place an order? Doc suggested a few items for Chronic Prostatitis.

Simply go to our online platform and register as a new patient by uploading your HelloMD doctor recommendation...

I have acute flare up of a chronic jaw bone infection. Is high CBD/low THC best for pain?

" Does marijuana work as antibiotic? " With a jaw bone infection sublingual tincture would...

How many drops for a chronic headache?

"Morning – I’ve had a chronic headache (24/7) for 15 years, finding CBD is VERY encouraging....

Would you please recommend something for my longhair, senior dachshund

"He suffers from severe anxiety with wheezing, chronic itchy rash and hind leg dysplasia" Poor...
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