
family member suffering from schizophrenia since 19

"1. My nephew has been battling schizophrenia since he was 19. He also has bipolar disorder. He’s...

The 10 Best Marijuana Strains for Insomnia

Finding the best strain of marijuana to help ease your insomnia is based a lot on what the cause of your...

As a Women with PTSD, yes please answer the previous question

"As a Women with PTSD; I have been having an awful time. Started with a high CBD. Worked great ,...

Green Flower Online Video Course: Cannabis as Medicine

Like us, our friends at Green Flower, are building great content and educating new cannabis users to...

Is there a strain that helps with depression?

"I had a traumatic brain injury 28 years ago and have struggled with depression since then." Hi...

How to relieve the symptoms of medication withdrawal?

"In conjunction with starting the use of cannabis to help with PTSD. I started to taper off my medications...

Depressed parakeet

"Sadly, one of my two parakeets recently passed away after being a loving companion for the last...

Could Cannabis Provide Hope for Parkinson’s Patients?

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder that slowly cuts off a person’s ability to produce dopamine....

I'm a total novice! Very confused,

"I’m a total novice! Very confused, I would like to get a few support systems. PTSD , severe...

Can this strain cause depression?

OG Kush is a very well known indica strain that is thought to have come from bag seed in the early 90s....

I would like to start using cannabis, but I worry that it will make me anxious or depressed?

"I have read much online about how cannabis product can induce anxiety. Is this true? My main reason...

Does Marijuana Help or Hurt People With Bipolar Disorder?

Cannabis is used to manage so many conditions that it’s only natural to wonder if it can help people...
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