

Is It Safe for Pregnant Women to Take CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) has well-documented benefits for many health conditions. Research shows that this calming...

Should I Stop Taking Cannabis if I’m Trying to Conceive?

Cannabis legalization means more and more people are able to take marijuana medicinally and recreationally....

Planning on a pregnancy

"I weaned myself off of an antidepressant medication, Paxil, by using MMJ. I was taking Paxil because...

Can child services take away a newborn baby if the mother used medical marijuana while pregnant?

CPS retains the rights to remove a newborn baby if they determined that the child might be harmed in...

Trying to conceive

"Hello, I am a male (30 years old) and I am trying to conceive with my wife. I suffer from anxiety...

Is Marijuana Dangerous?

Is It Safe… Marijuana is a substance that receives a lot of press, both positive and negative....

I am 6 months pregnant and have a lot of lower back pain. Can I use this product?

There are a lot more studies coming out about cannabis and pregnancy – though not much in the terms...

Is it safe to use CBD products during pregnancy?

"Can you recommend cannabis products that are safe for use while pregnant?" This topic has...

Can you use these products while pregnant or breastfeeding?

"I’m six months pregnant and have lower back pain. I’d like to try cannabis to see it...

I suffer from really bad cramps and PMS. Can marijuana help with this?

"I’ve tried different types of birth control, advil, etc. and nothing really helps. If marijuana...

I use marijuana regularly to help with migraines. Can I use it while pregnant and breastfeeding?

Using cannabis while pregnant and during breastfeed is probably one the most contentious subjects when...

The Cannabis and Pregnancy Debate

When it comes to having a baby, moms want to do everything right. Pregnancy causes women to think more...
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