May 9, 2016

Do you sell the products that are shown on the HelloMD website?

We do not sell the products that we list. We do not sell actual products on our site due to the fact...

How do I prepare cannabis for consumption?

"I am a medical marijuana user and I use it for my insomnia. I currently smoke it but I really hate...

I have Severe Rheumatoid arthritis and Fibromyalgia. What solution is best to relive my chronic pain?

Cannabis may be useful in the treatment of both rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and fibromyalgia. Cannabis...

I suffer from really bad cramps and PMS. Can marijuana help with this?

"I’ve tried different types of birth control, advil, etc. and nothing really helps. If marijuana...

How to Talk to Your Teen About Cannabis

Michele Levine is a longtime educator who has worked in schools and education non profits. She has been...

I have bad migraines, will cannabis help?

My routine if I get a migraine, I drink a large glass of water, one cup of black coffee, apply a 1:1...

plantars fasciitis. enable me to get a reccomendation?

"foot, heel, leg, and lower back pain. already had the surgeries to almost no avail. have dealt...
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