

Beyond THC & CBD: What You Need to Know About CBC, CBN & CBG

In the last couple of articles in our series for cannabis newcomers, we took a closer look at cannabis’s...

How to Make the Most of Non-Psychoactive THCA

So far, in our series for folks new to cannabis, we’ve covered the cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol...

Psychoactive THCV: The Cannabinoid That Kills Your Appetite

In the last couple of articles in our series for cannabis newcomers, we went over marijuana’s most well-known...

The Pros & Cons of Psychoactive THC

In our series for folks new to cannabis, we take a closer look at marijuana’s most common—and most controversial—compound:...

Harnessing the Power of Cannabis's Chemical Compounds

In the last installment of our series for cannabis newcomers, we went over cannabis strains and why they’re...

How can the exact proportions and milligram amount of cannabinoids be documented in products?

Great question! The reality is that without lab testing to back up what is on the label, you will not...

CBD and THC: A Perfect Balance for Healing

Herbalists say that for every poisonous plant, there’s another with an antidote not far away. That kind...

Cannabis May Help People With Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complicated psychiatric disorder that effects 1.1% of the world’s population. 3.5...

Your Dog and Marijuana

The Endocannabinoid System As medical marijuana is becoming increasingly popular and more success stories...

My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy

"My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy; some symptoms are like fibromyalgia. In addition:...

Pain Mgmt - Weeds, Oil and THC with no response/reaction

"I am still in pursuit of finding relief for my severe (hydrocodone doesn’t kill the pain)...

Do you take steps to ensure that pesticides are not concentrated in your oils along with the cannabinoids?

Indeed we do! Firstly, our pesticide-free flower is sourced from family farms that we have had close...
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