What's the best dosing & ratio of CBD to THC to wean off of anxiety medications?

"I’m currently on a low dose of the anxiety medication buspirone." Hello! I would start...

Need copy of doctor's recommendation for tinctures. 1:1 thc to cbd and 20:1 cbd to thc

What ls the ratio of CBD to THC in this Anxiety Relief tincture?

A CBD:THC ratio of >14:1 for anxiety and depression is recommended. You may have to try various forms...

Will a topical that contains some amount of THC in addition to CBD be more effective for controlling pain?

Yes it does seem that a whole plant extract with THC and CBD is effective topically. All of the cannabinoids...

Many edibles state the THC level but not the CBD level. Can I assume they have a comparable level of CBD?

No, do not assume they have comparable CBD levels! Always ask what the mg per ml is of both THC and CBD!...

Is there a THC to CBD dosage ratio chart for various illnesses?

"Specifically, cancer, depression, anxiety, joint pain? " There isn’t a specific dosing guideline...

What's the best ratio of CBD to THC to deal with the symptoms of perimenopause?

"I have trouble sleeping, among other symptoms from hormonal changes brought on by perimenopause." The...

CBD and THC: A Perfect Balance for Healing

Herbalists say that for every poisonous plant, there’s another with an antidote not far away. That kind...

Which works better to heal cancer: TCH or CBD?

Thanks for your question. Cancer is term that encompasses a wide range of disease processes, some of...

3 Popular Marijuana Questions Answered on HelloMD

At HelloMD we talk to a lot of patients and what we’ve learned over time is that people have a lot of...

For pain relief what is the best balance between CBD & THC to avoid any hallucinogenic effects?

For pain, some people get pain relief from a high CBD tincture, while others need more THC in the mix....

I'm in California & see that you can buy pure CBD oil (no THC) online without a medical marijuana card.

"Is this legit?" You bet, CBD is available mail order in almost every state and 22 countries....
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