
Are cannabis edibles dangerous to my small dog?

I am a human physician, not a veterinarian, but I can reassure you that cannabis has no direct toxicity...

Is the dosing for Marinol the same as it is for edibles?

Hello, and thank you for the great question. First and foremost, I see absolutely no reason to use marinol...

What is the recommended dosage for marijuana edibles?

Hello! I recommend starting low and going slow regarding dosing of edibles. A lower dose of edible would...

Lord Jones: Luxury Cannabis Brand Promotes Health & Wellness

The dawning of the age of recreational cannabis is changing the face of the industry, bringing forth...

Many edibles state the THC level but not the CBD level. Can I assume they have a comparable level of CBD?

No, do not assume they have comparable CBD levels! Always ask what the mg per ml is of both THC and CBD!...

What is most benign cannabis delivery system for someone with emphysema, that is NOT an edible?

"I cannot smoke. Have used PAX ERA and vape pens, they just don’t feel benign. Are there cannabis...

3 Popular Marijuana Questions Answered on HelloMD

At HelloMD we talk to a lot of patients and what we’ve learned over time is that people have a lot of...

Is it ok to use essential oils along with edible cannabis?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, adding a few drops of essential oils to an edibles recipe can make for some...

Is is possible that a caramel edible and a capsule affect me very differently?

Yes, it can make sense even though they are both edibles. First, are you aware of the milligrams of both...

I have severe sleep disorder originally triggered by late stage Lyme disease. What edibles might help?

Edibles made with indica strains that promote deep body relaxation and help ease some symptoms of insomnia...

I'm hoping I can get a low dose edible, spray or patch that can lower my knee and hand pain.

Medical cannabis is a great solution to your chronic pain especially for arthritis type pain in joints...

Can I use oil instead of tinctures in making edibles? What's the difference?

I would say it depends on what type of edibles you’re intending to make. They are both carriers...
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