
Can this website help someone looking to acquire a medical marijuana card in Louisiana?

"Have suffered life long with anxiety. Under care of psychiatrist for >17yrs without any adequate...

I am interested in investing in a medical card. I have major social anxiety and sleep apnea. How do I attain?

Unfortunately anxiety and sleep apnea are not approved diagnoses in New York. Here is the link to the...

How much CBD oil should I be taking for anxiety?

"I started with 7 drops of CBD oil 4:1. A week later, I still don’t feel like I’m getting...

4 Helpful CBD Products to Add to Your Daily Routine

Chances are you’ve heard of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis. But another...

What is the best cannabis product you can recommend for headaches caused by anxiety?

Formulations with equal THC/CBD ratio and formulations with low THC/High CBD ratio seem to be effective...

Can a CBD oil that is 20:1 CBD to THC make you anxious?

Actually, a high CBD/low THC tincture like you suggest can be very helpful for people with anxiety issues....

What's the best dosing & ratio of CBD to THC to wean off of anxiety medications?

"I’m currently on a low dose of the anxiety medication buspirone." Hello! I would start...

What is a good starting does of CBD oil for anxiety and pain relief?

"I have some softgels and tincture." The right amount of CBD oil will vary from person to...

What is the best CBD tincture for pain, anxiety and insomnia?

Great question! The best product for your pain, anxiety, and insomnia may or may not be a CBD Tincture....

What ls the ratio of CBD to THC in this Anxiety Relief tincture?

A CBD:THC ratio of >14:1 for anxiety and depression is recommended. You may have to try various forms...

Marijuana, Gut Health and the Brain

Feeling queasy about making a big decision; butterflies in the stomach before a big date; wondering whether...

Is there a THC to CBD dosage ratio chart for various illnesses?

"Specifically, cancer, depression, anxiety, joint pain? " There isn’t a specific dosing guideline...
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