
I need a copy of my medical marijuana card

Can you tell me what some of the bad effects of marijuana are?

"I just got my medical marijuana card and am wondering if you can provide some guidance. I’d...

Industry Insiders Give Tips on How to Land a Job in Cannabis

Interested in getting a job in the cannabis industry? If so, your timing may be just right. In a recent...

Are there REM sleep differences between CBD and THC?

“I am aware that marijuana suppresses REM sleep, which is something that I have missed incredibly,...

Which fat is best to feel the effects of THC?

"Someone told me that you have to have fat with your marijuana, specifically THC, to feel anything...

What are the strongest marijuana strains out there?

"I’m interested in knowing what strains have the highest THC percentage. I have chronic pain...

What are the potential side effects of marijuana, both good and bad?

"I’m pretty new to cannabis, and I’ve been hearing from certain people how great it...

Tips for Successful Job Hunting in the Cannabis Industry

California’s legal cannabis industry made headlines in 2018. While Prop 64 unleashed major changes for...

Marijuana’s Storied History: From Ancient Times to Now

For much of human history, cannabis was used for food, fiber, and as a drug for medical and spiritual...

Can Smoking Marijuana Cause Loss of Sight?

"Recently, I smoked a fair amount of marijuana (about 3-4 hits), and then proceeded to smoke some...

Cannabis side effect with cholesterol and high blood pressure medications

"i have high blood pressure and cholesterol. I am daily taking Crestor for cholesterol, and combined...

What is your biggest fear about cannabis?

"What keeps you from (or kept you from) trying cannabis for your health?" Hi there! The one...
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