Question and Answer

We get questions from consumers every day, and we make it our mission to provide comprehensive answers in our primer library. (Do you have a question we haven’t answered yet? Book a free education consult with one of our experts to get the information you need.)

Struggling with side effects

"I was instructed by my psychiatrist to start CBD oil on top of my Cymbalta because I can’t tolerate...

Struggling with side effects

"I was instructed by my psychiatrist to start CBD oil on top of my Cymbalta because I can’t tolerate...

I smoke 2 bowls every day, how much water do I need to drink for it get out of my system in 2 weeks.

"Need to pass this UA" Hi there! Please keep in mind that the amount of water you need to...

How do I get a medical marijuana card?

"I tried to do this online with you guys a number of months ago, but there was some glitch and I...

My Aches vape pen that I ordered ran out of battery before it ran out of oil, the window shows it is still half full, what can I do?

"@Dstoever" Please contact customer service using the Live Chat, e-mail (

I am currently a Florida resident, medical marijuana has just become legal here do you know or guide me in rite direction to obtain a subscription for medical Mj

"@" Hi there! There are a few steps you must take before you can obtain a medical marijuana...

what is best for severe insomnia?

"I have gotten other CBD but I relied on the drivers and have no idea what I got..please help." The...

What is the COST ?

"I would like to buy the Lemon/Ginger flavor" The Select Hemp Drops are available for $60...

Use for osteoarthritis

"Hello, my dad is in his 80s and has osteoarthritis in his toes on both feet. He is in pain and...

Is it safe to take CBD oil along with Ashwagandha?

Yes. Their are no known drug-drug interactions betweem CBD and ashwagandha. drkim

Looking for non-psychoactive pain relief

"Breast cancer patient, finished with Chemo, had 1st surgery, next surgery in 4 months. Want to...

I lost my new medical authorization that I renewed in October. How do I get a new one?

"I lost my new medical authorization form that I renewed in October. How do I get a new one?" If...
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