
Blister packs of over-the-counter medications

How Does Cannabis Affect Over-the-Counter Medications?

Cannabis can be an effective treatment for many health conditions, or simply a way to relax after a long...

Looking for non-psychoactive pain relief

"Breast cancer patient, finished with Chemo, had 1st surgery, next surgery in 4 months. Want to...

i am having bariatric surgery. I use a vape pen for CBD, is this ok prior and post surgery?

"they seem very concerned with "smoking" and feel vaping is the same as smoking and will...

Do you have recommendations for radiation and chemo patients?

"My father has recently been diagnosed with Colon cancer and will be doing 5 1/2 weeks of radiation...

Can I use cbd before surgery where anesthesia will be administered

Hello, There are no established guidelines regarding the matter. However, if vaping the oil and undergoing...

Newbie edibles for cronic pain.

"I’ve never consume cannabis in any manner. I have been in horrible chronic pain after a leg...

Need help to deal with father's pain related to spinal stenosis and arthritis.

" I have an 82 year old father who has both spinal stenosis and arthritis. His condition has continued...

Can tincture used for pain after heart surgery instead of opioid?

Hi there! This is not an uncommon question in the HelloMD Community. The bottom line is that you should...

Is it safe to take CBD the day before surgery where I will be receiving anesthesia?

@Perry Solomon, MD Should be able to address this question. He is an anesthesiologist by training. I...

Looking for a medical marijuana to help with chronic back pain for my 72 year old father.

"He has arthritis, a degenerstive building disc, and spinal stenosis. He’s not a candidate for Surgery...

I would like to get some help for pain after back surgery. Could Dr. Bugalilskis Suggest ideas for back pain?

"I would like to get some help as to what would help me for pain relief with my back. I can’t...

Is vaping MJ bad for bone fusion? I just had back surgery and titanium was used to fuse my vertebrae.

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