
Wondering how cannabis can factor into your sex life? You’re in the right place. From sexual health concerns to products to try in the bedroom, we’ve got you covered.

ARe there any products that enchance sex with only CBD rather than THC

CBD is both an analgesic as well as an anti inflammatory and it does help relax the body. That said,...

Cannabis for Increased Passion & Play! Part 1

Increase Your Passion ‘Tis the season for romance, and if you’re looking for a way to make your night...

Marijuana Increases Your Sexual Experience

Cozy Up to Cannabis Winter in my mind is synonymous with cuddle weather. Nothing is more romantic than...

I am a 64 yr old man. I have an implant for sexual activity, but it does not work, lots of pain.

"Since using medical cannabis for 4 months for cancer, diabetes and fibro myalgia with great success,...

Foria Explore: for Anal Sex

Foria is a marijuana company that is constantly pushing the boundaries and its new product is entering...

Cannabis Improves Your Sex Life – The Top 5 Reasons You Should Give Cannabis A Try

Some years ago I was decidedly anti-cannabis. It was for stoners, it sucked you into the couch like fly...

Cannabis Use Has Different Sexual Health Effects for Men and Women

The use of medical marijuana has proven to be effective for treating a wide range of both physical ailments...
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