

CBD cannabis oil and sore throat

"I began using CBD oil about a month ago and feel great overall. I’ve noticed a significant...

what is best for severe insomnia?

"I have gotten other CBD but I relied on the drivers and have no idea what I got..please help." The...

cbd use for chemo patients

"My brother has a form of Luekemia and is on his 8th round of Chemo. He is exhausted and can’t...

5 Sleep Disorders Cannabis Can Help Alleviate

If you’re reading this after a restful, rejuvenating night of sleep, count your blessings. For nearly...

Energy vs sleep.

"All my life smoking has ALWAYS given me energy. No matter what I smoke. Never been a sit still...

Keeping Your Pet Healthy With Hemp-Derived CBD

If you’re a pet owner, you know that sinking feeling when your furry friend just isn’t acting alright....

I'm looking for a CBD/THC tincture that will help me with anxiety and sleep as well as back pain

Hi there! Cannabis tinctures/oils with higher concentrations of CBD vs THC, such as 20CBD:1THC, will...

Is there a correlation between Cannabis and REM sleep?

Hello! Like most research done in the cannabis field, the effects of cannabis on sleep cycles is still...

Does a correlation exist between Cannabis and it's effect on REM sleep?

Hello and thank you for the great question,  Studies have show that THC reduces the proportion of time...

A Holistic Approach to Alleviating Insomnia

Sleep is just as important for a healthy body as a balanced diet is. Good sleep habits, just like eating,...

Can you recommend best product as a sleep aid? I can fall asleep but can’t stay asleep

Hello! For help maintaining sleep, I recommend to use 2.5mg edible cannabis right at bedtime. 2.5mg is...

what is best for insomnia

Sleep is so important for our mental and physical health. However most adults are not getting enough...
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